Northwood Town Cricket Club News story

NTCC Pre – Season news update

15 Apr 2019

  1. New grass square and astro turf wicket. We have recently been advised by the London Borough of Hillingdon that the £40k originally earmarked for refurbishing the net facilities has now been reallocated to providing a new Astro turf wicket along with a new 9 strip grass cricket table on the back square. As the members will be aware the provision of a new grass square has been a mission that the Committee (principally Rob Fanner) have been targeting for some time so this is brilliant news and hopefully the sight of cricket on a grass square will occur in late summer next year with full use in 2021.

  2. New electronic scoreboard / score box refurbishment – Thanks to heroic efforts by Rob Fanner, Ravi Ramawat and Adam Shaw we now have an excellent electronic scoreboard up and running which if you haven’t seen already is worth viewing at the Good Friday lunch. The completion of these works illustrates the vision of the Committee to continually improve the facilities at The Town for all members.

  3. New roof terrace seating / lighting.- Following the benefit of receiving almost full funding from the ECB – we will shortly be able to show all the members a completely revamped appearance of the roof terrace with the intention of making this area a much more pleasurable seating /relaxing area for either cricket watching or post-match socialising. Again, the Club is indebted to principally Rob Fanner who not only designed but with the help of others is currently constructing the seating etc which subject to weather will be completed before the League season commences.

  4. Colts section update – 2019 is an exciting year for NTCC Colts section. We will again be running AllStars. This is a fun and ambitious programme aimed at 5-8 year olds which starts on the 11th of May, more details here : After the success of running it for 2 years and demand from some of the older children we will also be running and under 10’s side. Games are on a Sunday morning and training starts on Saturday the 20th of April at 10 am. We also have an under 15’s side entered into the league who also begin training on the 20th. We have again increased our number of coaches with a further 4 coach support workers. First team batsman Andy Burt has also recently qualify as a level 2 coach and has been running some exciting sessions getting some practice in ahead of the season.

For membership inquiries please contact Jack Daly (, 07791 864 319)