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Northwood Town Cricket Club News story

Good Friday Lunch Success

23 Apr 2019

Once again the NTCC Good Friday lunch was a great success being well attended by club members / colt section parents and for the first time the Mayor of Hillingdon Cllr John Morgan accompanied by his wife - Mayoress Fiona Morgan.
The highlight of the afternoon was the Mayor's unveiling of the new electronic scoreboard which through the enormous work principally by Rob Fanner; Ravi Ramawat and Adam Shaw illustrates the huge steps being taken to enhance the facilities at NTCC. Associated with the scoreboard is a completely refurbished scorebox which has transformed that area of the clubhouse. The occasion was also marked by the hanging of a painting in the club lounge of the pavilion which was undertaken by Sally Bird in memory of her late husband Martin and which she has generously donated to the club.