Northwood Town Cricket Club News story

Good Friday Lunch

07 Mar 2018

Now that Spring is here thoughts should be turning to cricket - one hopes - and therefore as tradition has it we will be hosting the Good Friday lunch again at the clubhouse.

This year Good Friday falls at Easter and is on a Friday (just checking you are concentrating) and is on March 30th 

As always the welcome is open to everyone and this provides a wonderful opportunity for all to meet pre-season.

The turnout in the previous two years has been excellent so it would be good if we can get a similar attendance this year.

We will intend to open the bar around mid -day with the food being served up say at 1.15 - 1.30pm 

The food options are (all including chips):



10 Chicken nuggets

Cheese and onion pasties 

1/4 chicken (limited number)

If you are good - there will be a selection of cakes too!!

The cost will be £8.00 a head as per last year which is incredible value as the fish stocks in the Ruislip Lido have been hit hard this winter and Jack and Sumeet will take a lot longer to catch them . 

I would ask that you respond to Dave Harding with your order at the latest by the 24th March please