Northwood Town Cricket Club News story

50 Years of NTCC: Peter Spencer Tribute

09 Feb 2024

Former Northwood Town President and Life Member Peter Spencer was paid tribute to by current President Mike Fidler at the club's 50th anniversary Celebration Day on 10th September 2023. Here's his speech...

“I joined Northwood Town Cricket Club in the early 80’s. The reason for joining the club was down to Peter Spencer.

Peter was worried that the playing membership of Northwood Town was diminishing and as such he decided to produce an advert to join the club. I believe he printed a 1000 plus copies of the advert and personally delivered them around Northwood Hills and Northwood by hand. This gives you an idea of the man and the love for his beloved Northwood Town.

So my first encounter with Peter was when he nabbed me in my front garden and proceeded to chat about cricket and the reasons why I should play for NTCC. After about 20 minutes of his enthusiastic chat I was sold and told him I would be happy to turnout for the club.

I played the following weekend for the Third team alongside Peter. It was a start of a friendship that lasted 30 plus years until his sad passing.

I have heard stories about Peter in the very early days. Peter played for Northwood Hills cricket club which was the predecessor to our current Northwood Town Cricket Club. Even back in those early days he was a clubman, always looking out for the younger player to encourage them. He was involved in the committee meetings, organising social events, and of course playing cricket.

The words that best describes Peter was that he was a very caring man who loved Northwood Town Cricket club. He was the real deal - a true clubman through and through.

Peter devoted a huge amount of his life to ensure that his beloved club survived through difficult times and would be there for future generations. He clearly succeeded as the club is in really good health. It is now in all of your safe and capable hands.

Peter and his lovely wife, Jane (who also was a stalwart of the club) could always be relied on to produce the best of cricket teas with many food delights paid for from their own pockets. Jane knew I loved a good Treacle Tart which she would make and bring out when I arrived for tea. God bless her.

In my opinion the Spencer Teas were by far the best in the league. Their teas were so good that when I was captain of the second team playing at home, I would always ensured (when I won the toss) that we bowled first so that I could have a big Spencer tea.

Peter passed away on the 24th October 2015, but his memory and spirit still goes on. I’m sure this great clubman is looking down on NTCC, his beloved cricket club.

I would ask you to raise a glass in the name of Peter. Thank you.”